Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Among the Leaves and Spray

"So, where are you headed today," Jane asked at breakfast. We were tired of buildings, we told her. We want to get out in the woods, walk around some; perhaps see a waterfall or two. "No problem," she responded. "We've got those."

We ate, we returned to our room to gather up a few things; and when we descended the stairs Jane had printouts all ready -- "Your day all planned for you," she said with a grin. And, indeed, there was a hike and a waterfall. And, again, a GPS.

We set off in the designated direction, and six hours later returned home, having gotten spray-close to falls and walked a couple of miles up and over and down a mountain and back again. So what did we see?

Sometimes, though a word guy like me hates to admit it, a picture really is worth a thousand dimensions of vocabulary.

Just as an example.


Terri H. said...

Wow! No one can compete with the Author of the Universe!

Nanette said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who enjoys vacation visits to water* enough to shoot video of it! (grin)

* waterfalls, oceans, hot springs, etc. ...