I like that idea. You can't always tell, after all, when the need for praise might come along and surprise. Never mind all that, suggested this woman I was passing. The solution is to always be ready when it happens. Green light just in the nick of time? Grab that tambourine. Swerve to miss a car dangerously out of control? Go on and shake it. Windshield perfectly framing a rainbow up ahead? Cause for celebration. Coasting on fumes to a stop beside a gas pump? Thank goodness a tambourine is there when you need one.
I think this woman is on to an idea that could very well catch on. No one, after all, can predict when hallelujah moments might come. Why not just always be ready to contribute your note of praise? Come to think of it, I already have the tambourine, buried in a bag beside the piano. What good is it doing there? Praise could break out any time and I would like to be ready --
-- to notice;
-- to be grateful;
-- and to joyfully add my voice.
Or the shake of a nearby tambourine.
I drove on, envious of her forethought; somehow alerted and more attentive even if musically unprepared for happy eventualities that might fortuitously greet me. You never know, but some things are too precious to be caught unprepared.
1 comment:
Hallelujah! And let the chimes ring on the church parking lot at 6 P.M. Friday the 28th.
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