Thursday, July 3, 2008

To Independence -- and Happy Mutual Dependence

Today we hit the road. We appear to be bucking the trend. According to AAA, this will be the least traveled 4th of July weekend in a decade. Not that the roads will be empty. Expectations are that over 40 million will venture 50 miles or more from home, 85% of whom, fully 34.2 million, by car. That's a 1.3% drop, to be sure, but it hardly represents paralysis. We will have plenty of company in the "out and about" between here and there. Along the way we will stop for the night, before arriving in the Fatherland on the 4th.

There is nostalgia in the weekend, as well as work. The work part will occupy the entirety of the week ahead, helping my parents unpack and settle in their new environment. The nostalgic part will burst like a bottle rocket in the night sky tomorrow night. It was during the fireworks display in West Des Moines (July of 1997 to be exact; I've learned to remember such things) that our personal histories took a turn. With colored explosions bursting overhead, I proposed -- at least I would have had she let me finish. Mid-stream in this carefully crafted, romantically poetic speech, surrounded by 50,000 or so of our closest friends scattered on blankets and perched in lawn chairs, I was cut short by an eager "Yes! Yes! I will! I do." Never has an interruption been more welcome or happily accomodated. Less than three months later we were married. It still feels like fireworks to me.

Ever since we have indulged in this annual delusion that all across the country people pause, banks close, and mail goes undelivered, all in honor of our engagement. The best part is that no matter where we go these fourths of July, when the sun goes down the sky lights up -- bursting reds and whites and sparkles and blues. And we light up as well...with memories, gratitude, contentment and eager dreams.

It's ironic that this holiday set aside, more accurately, to celebrate our independence is, for the two of us, the celebration of our recognized mutual dependence. Funny how that happens.

To all who are traveling, be safe. And happy anniversary, all Americans...
...and we two in particular.


Anonymous said...

Independence, inter-dependence ...
God seems to LOVE setting up these kinds of little ironies of life. Perhaps as a reminder that as we pause to pay attention, we discover the smile of the Divine in unexpected places (always the best place for an invisible/inaudible God to put in a subtle appearance).

Anonymous said...

In a recent episode of The Office, Jim is finally going to propose to Pam. He's arrange for fireworks (they are at a farewell celebration for a co-worker, but the fireworks were funded by Jim with a romantic moment like yours in mind. He's got the ring out and is waiting for the exact right moment, when co-worker Andy Bernard decides to propose to Angela (and she rejects him!)

All this to say, I'm glad things worked out better for you, Tim!