Twelve years ago...standing shoulder to shoulder...receiving the blessing that was coming our way. As we were eventually able to do in that service, we have enjoyed our time face to face; but thinking back over the past 12 years, it is the time spent shoulder to shoulder -- facing forward together, receiving all the wonder and mystery and beauty and possibility and challenge and fireworks coming our way -- that stands out the most. There is something powerfully wonderful about the company of a partner. To face it all, receive it all, together.
We have moved across town together; trained and adjusted to a dog together; made music together and paid bills together; we have traveled across the country and around the globe together; we have gone to school together and made parenting decisions together; we have taught classes together and crafted sentences together; we have dreamed together and cried together and been afraid together and cooked together; we have solved problems together and overcome obstacles together; we have passed through dark valleys together, and together welcomed the sun. We have made plans together -- and together found ways to change more than a few of them. We have chased after waterfalls together, tromped through snow together, caught falling colored leaves together, made pasta together, hiked mountain paths together, ridden bicycles together, tasted fresh syrup together, picked tomatoes together, and shared picnics together. Side by side...shoulder to shoulder...receiving the world together.
And now 12 years later, on this 3rd Saturday in September, still looking forward, it is a delight to look back for a moment as well; and sweeping the vision of my soul across both yesterday and tomorrow, for the 12th time, to answer "Yes! I do!" Happy Anniversary, Lori Jo. Indeed, I do.
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